

Sunday, 21 July 2013

What's Your plan to gift your partner on Valentine's Day.

Everybody wants to make their Valentine's day special and memorable occasion for them. According to the research study in U.S, lovers purchase different items on this special day to gifts their loved ones. They buy greeting cards, chocolates, bouquets, flowers etc. Research shows that men spends the money mostly on the jewelry items to gift their girlfriend in which there are 21% of person interested in rings, 40 % for necklaces, 20 % in earrings and 8 % Bracelets.  Original Source:

.Are You Going to Propose your Dream Girl:

You are dating your girlfriend since long time and now thinking to propose her for a marriage. The first question will rise in your mind “How will I propose her?” Every girl wants her proposal to be romantic and memorable and also boys want to feel the girls so special for him. So why don't you surprise her with a beautiful Diamond engagement ring. Here I will guide you to follow the steps while going to purchase a ring for her. For sure, after getting a beautiful engagement ring, your lover will say yes. I am sharing an Infographic here that could help you in choosing a beautiful diamond engagement ring for your beloved. Have a look on below infographic and enjoy: Original Source:-

How Many Facets in a Diamond

  There are different kind of designs, colors available in diamonds. But did you check how many facets the diamond have before going to purchase it. There are 4C'S available in a diamond that indicates the quality of it. Cut, Clear, Clarity and Color are four facets of diamond that describes the whole structure of diamond. Here I am sharing an Infographic that describes the whole journey of diamond, How it's being formed and each facet of diamond. You will got to know the ideal cut of diamond, colours and clarity of diamond and How diamonds are used etc. Learn about the whole process of extracting diamond from the earth in below infographic:- Please have a look yourself and learn some interesting facts...

Spectacular Celebrity Engagement Rings

Celebrities have always been the trend setters. Whatever they do, it becomes the most popular news to talk about. It is because they are always associated with the beautiful and glamorous lifestyle. To maintain such lifestyle, they spend a lot of money to carry the most fashionable look in front of the camera. And yes, we love to read stories about celebrities. Often celebrities show their love by presenting an engagement ring to their lover. One will get shocked to know the price of these rings as they are far beyond the reach of a normal person. Here I am sharing the top 15 outrageously expensive diamond engagement rings worn by some A-list celebrities - Original Source:-

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Diamond Jewelry- A Unique Variety

Diamond jewellery is adored by every woman. The astonishing finish of this jewellery has the power to leave the world in amazement. There is a plethora of diamond accessories that women can choose from. Diamond earrings During festive season, most recognised online diamond jewellery stores offer diamond earrings at attractive discounts. From a comprehensive range of accessories, you can choose the most dazzling pair of diamond earrings for your self. You can find diamond studs in aesthetic designs and styles thus, investing in a unique pair of diamond earrings is worth it. Solitaire Diamond rings Solitaire diamond rings usually appear with only one diamond stone mounted in the setting.  These are considered as the most traditional...

Diamonds are Forever

If you are planning to gift your dear one a unique piece of diamond jewellery then you are simply going for the best option. A diamond studded jewellery can bring a sparkling smile on your loved one. It is a gift that your beloved would love to treasure for a lifetime. As diamonds have always been a greatest expression of love, you can profess your feelings by gifting a stunning piece of diamond necklace, pendant, ring or earrings. Whether it's her birthday, your anniversary, or any other special occasion, diamond accessories, especially those solitaire diamond are perfect choices. Although, it may be a little pricey, however you can make your best purchase from a recognised online store, choosing your favourite diamond jewellery.    ...

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